First Encyclopedia of Animals

Artikelnummer: 9781409522423
First Encyclopedia of Animals
Skladem (1 St)

How does a whale breathe? How does a snake see in the dark? Why do zebras have stripes? This fascinating book has all the answers and more.
Simple, easy-to-read text, detailed illustrations and extrordinary wildlife photography introduce children to the wonders of the animal kingdom.
Links to exciting recommended websites make this a fantastic resource for use at home or school.

Detaillierte Informationen

Detaillierte Produktbeschreibung

How does a whale breathe? How does a snake see in the dark? Why do zebras have stripes? This fascinating book has all the answers and more.
Simple, easy-to-read text, detailed illustrations and extrordinary wildlife photography introduce children to the wonders of the animal kingdom.
Links to exciting recommended websites make this a fantastic resource for use at home or school.

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: Knihy pro děti 6-9 let
Autor: Paul Dowswell
Jazyk: anglický

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