Flying Start My Incredible Sticker Atlas

Artikelnummer: 9781488905995
9781488905995 1 copy
Skladem (1 St)

Children will discover exotic lands, fascinating animals, terrifying dinosaurs and explore the final frontier of space within the exciting and engagingly illustrated pages of My Incredible Sticker Atlas: The World, Animals, Space & Dinosaurs.

Detaillierte Informationen

Detaillierte Produktbeschreibung

This comprehensive book is as entertaining as it is educational. My Incredible Sticker Atlas is filled with amazing facts that will stimulate children’s imagination. Featuring stunning photography and illustrations, two fold-out wall charts and two fold-out wall maps, plus over 1000 stickers, this book is the perfect reference and entertainment for every child.

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: Anglické
Doporučený věk: 7-12
Obsahuje: 1000 nálepek + 4 velké plakáty

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