I Love My Home

Artikelnummer: 9780241409619
€9,95 –5 %
9780241409619 cover
€9,95 –5 % €9,39
Skladem (2 St)

Read about five animals habitats - complete with pop-ups, flaps, and cute baby animals!

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Detaillierte Produktbeschreibung

Playful baby animals love to have fun, whether they live in a forest or the icy Antarctic. In this gorgeous pop-up and flaps book, you can find out about the homes of five different animal families. Where do meerkats go to sleep? Peek inside the pop-up to see. Where do penguins raise their chicks? Turn the page to find out!

With five different animal families to read about, enter the charming world of creatures and their sandy, icy, leafy, or watery homes.

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: Anglické
Doporučený věk: 1,5+
Počet strán: 10
Vazba: 3D leporelo s okénky

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