Know and Glow: Animals

Artikelnummer: 9781488940323
P04732 Mock Animals
Skladem (1 St)

The world is full of so many wonderful animals – from polar bears to lizards, whales to butterflies – but what makes them really tick? 

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Whether they’re cute and cuddly or fierce and fast, learn all about the environments and habitats where the world’s wildlife live, what foods they eat, how they move and what we can do to as humans help ensure the survival of those that are endangered. 

Know and Glow Animals Sticker Activities teaches young readers about the world’s animals, great and small. Learning is made fun with heaps of activities (including more than 100 sticker activities) and loads of truly fascinating facts about the world’s animals and their habitats!

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: Samolepky
Doporučený věk: 7-12
Počet strán: 48

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