Lift-the-flap: Numbers
Artikelnummer: 9781409597643Verwandte Produkte

Labyrint pro děti od 2 let procvičuje koncentraci, motoriku a stimuluje logické myšlení.

Krásně ilustrované puzzle pro děti. Děti spočítají zvířátka a přiřazují správné číslo.

This cute numbers book is filled with all sorts of things to count, from umbrellas and balloons, to cycling bunnies and hat-wearing dinosaurs.

Beautifully illustrated flap book for all pre-schoolers struggling with shapes and colours.
Detaillierte Produktbeschreibung
This charming, lift-the-flap board book helps children learn about numbers with simple puzzles to solve on every page. Children can count the flamingos, zebras and monkeys at the zoo, find the cows on the farm, match rockets in space to their home planets and more - and lift the flaps to discover the answers.

With over 75 flaps to lift, this charming book will help children learn about routine and everyday events such as getting dressed, eating lunch and going to bed.

Follow the path and get counting with a first numbers adventure based on the best-loved world of the We're Going on a Bear Hunt film

Learn all about numbers with a book and a puzzle.

Learn to count by opening the pages of this fantastic pull-and-lay book!

Learn the alphabet by playing with this fantastic pull-and-play book! Read the letters, then pull the page and find the animals hidden underneath!

Edukační kartičky Čísla TROCHA INAK podporují a rozvíjejí vizuální představivost, usnaďnují výuku čísel a zlepšují schopnost rozlišovat hodnoty číslic 0-10. ...

With over 75 flaps to lift, this charming book will help children learn about routine and everyday events such as getting dressed, eating lunch and going to bed.
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