
Artikelnummer: 9781409530671
Na objednání (dodání 2-3 týdny)

Where do tigers live? What do they eat? Can tigers swim? Beginner readers can find out the answers to these questions and lots more in this fascinating book. Each double page features stunning wildlife photography alongside vivid illustrations and accessible facts. Includes a glossary of interesting words and a list of recommended website where children can find out more about tigers.

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Where do tigers live? What do they eat? Can tigers swim? Beginner readers can find out the answers to these questions and lots more in this fascinating book. Each double page features stunning wildlife photography alongside vivid illustrations and accessible facts. Includes a glossary of interesting words and a list of recommended website where children can find out more about tigers.

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: Knihy předškoláci (3-6 let)
Jazyk: anglický
Doporučený věk: 4+
Nakladatelství: Usborne Publishing


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