Wipe-clean mazes

Artikelnummer: 9781409524724
wipe clean mazes
Na objednání (dodání 2-3 týdny)

Young children can help the animal characters find their way through 14 exciting mazes, including a pirate ship looking for treasure and a rocket zooming through space. Each page is wipe-clean so that children can complete the mazes over and over again using the special pen. An engaging and fun way for young children to learn and improve pen control.

Detaillierte Informationen

Detaillierte Produktbeschreibung

Young children can help the animal characters find their way through 14 exciting mazes, including a pirate ship looking for treasure and a rocket zooming through space. Each page is wipe-clean so that children can complete the mazes over and over again using the special pen. An engaging and fun way for young children to learn and improve pen control.

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: Aktivity a tvoření s dětmi
Jazyk: anglický
Nakladatelství: Usborne Publishing
Doporučený věk: 3+

Wipe-clean mazes

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