Knihy, hry a hračky dle témat
Léto - moře, sluníčko...
Montessori knihy a pomůcky
Abeceda, čísla, tvary a barvy
Atlasy a mapy
Auta, vlaky, bagry, stroje
Čarodějnice, kouzla a lektvary
Draci a rytíři
Harry Potter
Hračky na ven
Hudební nástroje
Jídlo a vaření
Okénkové knihy
První/Druhé čtení
Příroda, zvířata a hmyz
Říkanky a rýmy
Řeky, moře a oceány
Lidské tělo
Pohádky a příběhy
Slovíčka a náslech
Věda a vesmír
Víly, jednorožci a princezny
Kuchařky pro děti
Kolem světa
Zpátky do školy
Životní cyklus
Výlet do ZOO
Vše o Zemi

These ten wonderful stories whisk you to magical worlds where gingerbread men come to life, dragons lurk in caves, and giants live at the top of beanstalks. Each adventure is...

Help little dinosaur fans spot all their favourite prehistoric friends! Meet mighty Tyrannosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Triceratops, and more...

Test your knowledge with over 100 holiday-themed wordsearches, covering everything from camping and cities to tropical islands and famous landmarks.

This informative book is filled with 100 fascinating facts about food, from how to grow a burger in a laboratory to how many bees it takes to fill an orchard with apples.

Did you know that mammoths and pharaohs walked the earth at the same time?

This informative book is filled with 100 fascinating facts about food, from how to grow a burger in a laboratory to how many bees it takes to fill an orchard with apples.

An engaging and accessible introduction with information on exactly 100 science topics that will fascinate and inspire children – and adults too.

How could plastic-eating bacteria help reduce waste? Can a river be given human rights? Could we generate all the power we need from the sun and the wind? How do woolly sweaters...

An engaging and accessible introduction with information on exactly 100 science topics that will fascinate and inspire children – and adults too.

An engaging and accessible introduction with information on exactly 100 science topics that will fascinate and inspire children – and adults too.

What makes bees dance? How do bugs find their way at night? Which tiny bugs can build nests taller than a person? Lift the flaps to find out in this fascinating introduction to...

What makes bees dance? How do bugs find their way at night? Which tiny bugs can build nests taller than a person? Lift the flaps to find out in this fascinating introduction to...