Knihy pro děti 9-12 let

The perfect reading for all lovers of graphic novels.

SPLASH! Dive down deep and go on an incredible journey into our oceans

The only encyclopedia for kids ages 5 and up that covers the subjects of human geography, physical geography, and geology together in one inspiring book.

This stunning illustrated children's book takes an innovative look at the circle of life, including animals, dinosaurs, stars, volcanoes, and even YOU.

100 carefully curated, useful things that will stimulate your baby or toddler's natural curiosity about the world around them...

Dive into the world of business with this lively introduction, whether you want to be an entrepreneur or a smarter consumer.

These ten wonderful stories whisk you to magical worlds where gingerbread men come to life, dragons lurk in caves, and giants live at the top of beanstalks. Each adventure is...

When Pip meets strange, unhappy Miss Havisham and the beautiful Estella, he feels embarrassed because he's only a poor village boy. Then he hears some life-changing news.

When Pip meets strange, unhappy Miss Havisham and the beautiful Estella, he feels embarrassed because he's only a poor village boy. Then he hears some life-changing news.

The perfect reading for all lovers of graphic novels.

Dědečku, už chodím do školy je dalším pokračováním oblíbené série knížek Dědečku, vyprávěj a Dědečku, ještě vyprávěj. Laskavý dědeček si opět povídá se svou zvídavou vnučkou...

Unikne divoký zajíc nástrahám, které na něj číhají ve městě? Příběh z české přírody, který se skutečně stal.