Okénkové knihy

Lift the flaps to explore all sorts of exciting vehicles – bulldozers rumbling around building sites, fire engines rushing to emergencies, and jumbo jets soaring into the skies....

Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived!

SPLASH! Dive down deep and go on an incredible journey into our oceans

Proč prší a jak je velká dešťová kapka? Odklop jednotlivá okénka v této ilustrované encyklopedické knížce, najdeš pod nimi odpovědi na své zvídavé otázky.

Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived!

Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived!

Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived!

Follow a spotty ladybird as she explores outdoors, and lift petals and leaves to meet lots of other bugs along the way. This charming book for little children has lots to...

Jaké je to ve vesmíru? Jak se tam dá dostat a kam všude se můžeme podívat? Odpovědi na otázky najdeš v této nádherně ilustrované knížce s odklápěcími okénky.

What do you get if you cross a snake with a cat?

Follow a spotty ladybird as she explores outdoors, and lift petals and leaves to meet lots of other bugs along the way. This charming book for little children has lots to...