Okénkové knihy, Page 2

Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny are having a lovely time at the pond when they realise Benjamin has lost his favourite hat!

Who is in the forest where it's bright and sunny? Busy, buzzing bees making tasty honey!

What is poo? Does everyone do it? And where does it all go? Children can lift the flaps to find the answers in this surprisingly charming book, and discover how much poo an...

Look through the trees, see under leaves and discover what's lurking behind the bushes in this beautifully illustrated flap-book.

Otevírejte okénka a objevte život v džungli!

What’s plastic made of? How does it get into the ocean? Can we live without plastic? Learn all about plastic, recycling and how plastic affects the environment in this revealing...

Jsou tak malinké, že je ani neuvidíš. A přece jsou všude kolem nás. Odklop okénka a zjisti, kde všude bacily žijí a jak se jim můžeš ubránit.

Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived!

When the sun goes down, the Dark stretches out. The Dark can be scary, but it can be other things too – it depends on how you see it… This gorgeous picture book tells the story...

Little children will love lifting the big flap on each page of this book to find a woodland animal hiding underneath.

Little children will love lifting the big flap on each page of this book to find a woodland animal hiding underneath.

Leporelo s odklápěcími okénky jednoduše a srozumitelně seznamuje malé děti se zubní hygienou a odpoví na vše, co je ohledně čištění zubů zajímá.