Jaro, ptáčci, kytičky..., Strana 39

Follow an inquisitive little mouse as it scampers through a garden, and lift leaves and petals to meet lots of other garden creatures along the way. This charming book for...

How do flowers grow in dry deserts? How do animals help to spread seeds? Which flower smells like rottng meat? These and other questions are answered with vivid, full colour...

A delightful touchy-feely book with simple, repetitive text.

Čim a Čára jsou dva malí vrabčí sourozenci. Děti Anička a Honzík jsou také dva sourozenci a všichni čtyři se sejdou na jedné zahradě jednoho domu. Co se ale stane, když se obě...

Vezmi mě s sebou do přírody Jsem skvělý společník na toulky přírodou i na zkrácení dlouhých chvil za deštivých dnů. Uvnitř mám pro tebe připravenu originální sbírku úkolů a...

A brightly illustrated word book full of colourful garden scenes, winding fingertrails, textured patches and simple vocabulary. Babies and toddlers can discover which creatures...

The best place to begin birdwatching is right outside your door and the best tool to use is this brilliant birdspotting wheel and guide book. No more flicking through pages...

Birds can be hard to spot at the best of times and never more so than in the woods, so let this book and your ears do the work instead. Once you learn to recognise these bird...

Being able to identify just a handful of bird songs is a skill that will stay with you for life. That’s where this enchanting book comes into its own. Listen to the beautiful...

Bursting with fun fingerprinting ideas, this colourful activity book comes with its own inkpad of seven bright colours. Decorate the garden scenes with dragonflies, squirrels,...