Knihy pro děti 9-12 let, Strana 11

The final book in the award-winning Clockwork Crow trilogy, perfect for fans of fairytale and folklore

Nikdy není pozdě na to, abyste měli sny. Čtvrté pokračování Anny ze Zeleného domu.

Co se stane, když si Ježíšek, Santa Claus, vánoční krab a další "dárkonosiči" vyrazí společně na dovolenou?

Children can find out what it was like to be a Viking, and learn about Viking homes, feasts, boats, gods and much more in this fascinating book. Colourful illustrations on...

Everything in the Universe is made up of just 118 chemical elements, all of which are listed in the Periodic Table. Lift the flaps in this informative book and discover which...