Look And Find Bugs

Artikelnummer: 9781801310475
9781801310475 cover image
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This delightful book is full of forest creatures and other things to spot, match, count and talk about. Animals in each scene invite readers to look for specific things, such as a squirrel on a swing, while picture clues with text and number prompts offer further suggestions. There is a little white mouse to spot in each picture too. Younger children will enjoy sharing this book with older children or adults and additional details enable grown-ups to make up further questions of their own.

Detaillierte Informationen

Detaillierte Produktbeschreibung

This delightful book is full of forest creatures and other things to spot, match, count and talk about. Animals in each scene invite readers to look for specific things, such as a squirrel on a swing, while picture clues with text and number prompts offer further suggestions. There is a little white mouse to spot in each picture too. Younger children will enjoy sharing this book with older children or adults and additional details enable grown-ups to make up further questions of their own.

Zusätzliche Parameter

Kategorie: Aktivity a tvoření s dětmi
Jazyk: anglický

Look And Find In The Forest

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