Příroda, zvířata a hmyz, Strana 19

The perfect gift for any young animal-lover, this beautifully illustrated spotter guide is an ideal introduction to wild woodland animals. Illustrated in a bright, contemporary...

A lovely little sticker book with dolls to dress, kittens to play with and pages to decorate with delightful stickers. Scenes include feeding time, visiting a cat café,...

Every child should experience the excitement of finding tadpoles and watching them grow, and this lift-the-flap board book perfectly captures the fun of this experience.

A stunning celebration of new life, nature and our precious world. Perfect for sharing with big and small. Welcome, little baby, round your mama curled. Welcome,...

Vezmi mě s sebou do přírody Jsem skvělý společník na toulky přírodou i na zkrácení dlouhých chvil za deštivých dnů. Uvnitř mám pro tebe připravenu originální sbírku úkolů a...

Za zvuky tajemné savany Stačí zavřít oči a rázem se ocitneme na tajuplném africkém kontinentu, kde nás obklopí osobité zvuky savany. Řev lvů, chechtání hyen, troubení slonů a...

Poznej život u vody! Hravá interaktivní knížka z vodní říše.

Brush water over the black and white illustrations and watch the jungle magically burst into life! There are 16 scenes to paint with elephants having a bath, parrots flying high...

16 strán vodních radovánek pro nejmenší dětičky. Doporučený věk je 5let, ale za nás doporučujeme zkusit mnohem dřív :)

Babies will love looking at the bright pictures and exploring the textures as they meet the animals in this vibrant board book. Each page is specially designed to be visually...

Babies will love looking at the bright pictures of animals in this delightful book and seeing what happens when they move the sliding panels. The elephant waves her trunk, the...

Babies will love looking at the bright pictures in this delightful book and seeing what appears when they move the sliders. The simple and robust sliding panels transform the...