Reading Program
Cesta ke čtenářskému mistrovství v anglickém jazyce
Podpořte děti na cestě k plynulému čtení ať už jste rodič nebo učitel . V této sekci najdete pohádky, napínavé příběhy i publikace rozšiřující čtenářovy obzory. Knihy jsou rozděleny podle úrovně slovní zásoby, takže snadno vyberete titul odpovídající schopnostem daného čtenáře.
Číselný údaj u každé podkategorie označuje počet slovíček pro danou úroveň.
Reading level 0 - Phonics
Starter level (Pre-A1) - 350 Headwords
Reading level 1 /A1/ - 550 Headwords
Reading level 2 /A1+/ - 700 Headwords
Reading level 3 /A2/ - 1000 Headwords
Reading level 4 /A2+/ - 1200 Headwords
Reading level 5 /B1/ - 1600 Headwords
Reading level 6 /B1+/ - 2000 Headwords
Reading level 7 /B2+C1/ - 2500 Headwords

The Beginner level helps children to learn and practice their first words in English. It introduces everyday phrases, such as 'hello' and 'thank you', and focuses on...

The Beginner level helps children to learn and practice their first words in English. It introduces everyday phrases, such as 'hello' and 'thank you', and focuses on...

The Beginner level helps children to learn and practice their first words in English. It introduces everyday phrases, such as 'hello' and 'thank you', and focuses on...

Shakespeare's plays are part of our cultural heritage - every child is sure to come across at least one during their school life, and it's quite likely to be Macbeth.

Thoughtful account of the extraordinary life of Anne Frank for young readers.

“All for one, one for all!”

Join a friendly mechanic for a day working on a research base and out on the ice.

A retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's classic fairy tale about the wicked Snow Queen's attempt to kidnap a boy in the frozen north.

Anansi is king of the spiders: he may be small, but he's very clever. One day, offended that Elephant hardly even notices him, he challenges her to a tug of war. How can a tiny...

Sada 12ti pohádkových příběhu pro menší děti v angličtině.

Princess Miranda is lonely and bored. Her busy mother gives her a precious golden ball to play with, and Miranda drops it into the palace pond. A helpful frog retrieves it - but...

Usborne Storybook Reading Library 30 Books Collection Boxed Set (Level 1 Beginner Reader, Level 2 Developing Reader & Level 3 Confident Reader) With Free Online Audio