Kód: 9781908489265
409 Kč –17 %
NES 327x400
409 Kč –17 % 339 Kč
Skladem (2 ks)

With this book, no trip outside will ever be the same again.

Each page is a new adventure as you journey through the world of nature, searching for and finding out about things as diverse as tracks and tadpoles, skulls and shells. Part album, part manual, part nature guide, this book will surprise and delight – growing with you as, one by one, you find objects and stick them in until it is bursting with life. When you have finished, you will have created an amazing record of the time you have spent outside.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

With this book, no trip outside will ever be the same again.

Each page is a new adventure as you journey through the world of nature, searching for and finding out about things as diverse as tracks and tadpoles, skulls and shells. Part album, part manual, part nature guide, this book will surprise and delight – growing with you as, one by one, you find objects and stick them in until it is bursting with life. When you have finished, you will have created an amazing record of the time you have spent outside.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Knihy
Jazyk: anglický

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