Why do I (sometimes) feel sad?

Kód: 9781803703213
9781803703213 cover image
249 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)
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Je v pořádku být smutný... povídejte si s dětmi o pocitech s pomoci skvělé zpracovaných okenkových knih od Usborne. 

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

It's normal and OK to feel sad at times. It happens to everyone, for all sorts of different reasons. We might just show it in different ways. This book uses thoughtful, engaging illustrations and gentle, friendly text to help children recognise sadness, understand why they might feel that way, find ways of coping and ways to feel happy again. Drawing on expert input from child clinical psychologist Dr Sasha Lillie Lyons, this book provides children and their grown-ups with a perfect tool to help them discuss their feelings and emotions.


Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Anglické
Doporučený věk: 4+
Nakladatelství: Usborne Publishing
Vazba: leporelo s okénky

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